Why People Quit Their Dreams
MANY people start to pursue their dreams, but MOST people don't
achieve them. That's my experience. Even in Dream Year. I mourn those
who start strong and then flounder, give up or walk away. Here's why
they do...
1. The dream is much HARDER WORK than they ever realizedMy job as a Dream Year coach is to build systems - COUNTER-MEASURES - that help every participant overcome the challenges of becoming ALL that God intended for us to be.
2. The allure of a COMFORTABLE alternative
3. The NEAR-BRUSH with failure, set-back or financial loss is too great for them to bear
4. INDECISION. They keep coming up with ideas until the clock runs out. Let me tell you - doing the WRONG thing is better than doing NO thing because at least you learn something
5. SELF-DOUBT. There is absolutely nothing wrong with their resources or giftedness. The defeat is entirely in their heads
6. A dream without PASSION. I pray for holy discontent, holy irritation, holy AGONY - because a whim or a curious interest is not enough to bring any dream to life
7. No FINANCIAL MODEL to make the dream personally rewarding
8. Unwillingness to TURN THE TUMBLERS and adapt the idea until it works. The first try isn't the ONLY try. But they have to say goodbye to the pride wrapped up in the first wrong approach
9. The EMPLOYEE mindset rather than the CEO mindset. Unwillingness to pick up the phone, make the ask, execute the to-do list, approach the customer... whatever it takes to make it happen
10. SPIRITUAL WARFARE, which is meant to be shaping, not debilitating.